Digital Marketing Requires a Multitude of Skills

Having worked in digital marketing since the late 90s, I've seen the skillset required to successfully market a website increase considerably. It used to be that you could just build links to a website, watch it rank in the newly-launched Google, and that was that. Of course, with all new technology, the early days were prototypical and developing. Now it's fair to say that we live within a developed internet - one with far more established rules of engagement. Now, it's not enough to merely have third party citations (links) - now you need on-page metrics that both show visitors engaging more with your content while also being as accessible as possible to all kinds of human disabilities AND devices too.

There are a variety of ways to achieve better search engine results. Some use the direct method of pay per click advertising. Other marketers rely on search engine optimization strategies, in which content marketers that target particular key phrases and words for each web page. Other marketers focus their marketing efforts on article marketing, which provides businesses with unique content that is distributed across the web by article directories and blogs.

So what kind of skillset might an SEO pro need these days? Well, they should be familiar with website development, such as XML, PHP, HTML, and other coding. This is because on-page optimization is a required skill. In addition to having knowledge of coding, a professional SEO specialist will be able to interpret and analyze data from web development projects. Many SEO experts offer analytics solutions that allow business owners to view web statistics such as number of visits, bounce rates, user activity, search engine rankings, time on the site, and page rank. A reliable provider of online web development and analytics services will provide a comprehensive report on the progress of its clients.

Web developers and SEO specialists often work closely together, especially in competitive industries. In order to remain at the forefront of the industry, many companies turn to the services of a professional SEO expert. By finding an SEO specialist with the experience and skills necessary to help them build a solid online presence, businesses can ensure that they are always at the top of major search engines.

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