Characteristics of Successful Innovators

An innovator is someone who introduces new ideas, products, or services. Successful innovators possess a few specific qualities.

Successful Innovators Have:

An Atypical Way of Thinking

Atypical means thinking outside the norm. They have curious minds, which means they are always thinking about the reason things are the way they are in life. This type of thinking allows successful innovators to come up ideas that no one else has thought of yet.
"Where most people see an overwhelming galaxy of ideas, successful innovators see the individual stars and planets and can theorize on how they might relate to one another. Instead of searching for one "correct" answer, they look beyond the status quo to the multitude of possibilities."
Leaders are passionate about the work they're doing. They have a dream but realize that they can't accomplish it on their own. According to are authentic leaders committed to creating dynamic, highly productive and values-based organizations that hire people who are passionate about their work; give them opportunities to grow; make them feel valued and respected; and give them clarity about their roles and responsibilities."
Successful innovators gather a team that will adopt their dream and help them make it a reality. teaches about a relevant theory: "According to a theory called the Diffusion of Innovations, there are four types of people in a social society: Early adopters, Early majority, Late majority, and Laggards. These different types vary based on how they communicate an innovative idea to the rest of the public." Each type will adopt an innovator's idea at different times. Successful innovators recognize the importance of these different types of social groups and the influence they and the early adopters may have on the other groups.

Persistance and Resilience

Successful innovators are persistant. They will try every possible way to make their dream become a successful reality, even if that means failing a few times along the way. Failures are seen as opportunities to improve and start fresh. They can bounce back from a failure very easily and use it to drive them to eventually succeed. They are full of energy and they don't give up, even when others might be doubting their abilities or ideas.

Formal Education

"Contrary to popular belief, most successful innovators are not dropout geniuses, but well-trained experts in their field. Without expertise, it is hard to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information; between noise and signals. This is consistent with research showing that entrepreneurship training does pay off."

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